On August 4, 2020, we completed our first forensic case. It is the culmination of a massive effort of preparation and blood/sweat/tears of our team. Today, August 5, 2020, we will deliver this case to our client.
It is important to celebrate achievements and we want to share this with our families, our supporters and the community that has encouraged us to keep doing the work. We have a lot of work yet to do to and many more cases to certify and send out to our clients. We are so very thankful for this lab and this vision. I'd like to personally thank Derek Cutler and Alyssa McElreath for being such amazing teammates in this journey.
Our next steps are to finalize and bring online the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) assay, MVAC wet vacuum processing, bone pre-processing with the tissuelyser protocols and the Genetic Genealogy NGS assay (when it becomes available) while we continue our normal operations. It doesn't get any easier from this point, but, the light at the end of the tunnel is coming closer and we will soon get to a "new normal" where we can focus our full attention on the casework.
Let's keep moving forward! Justice for all, no exceptions!