It's time to take a hard look at the mountain we need to climb... "the backlog". We heard from Ryan Backman from that there are an estimated 250,000 unsolved homicides in the US since 1980. We have great updates on the status of the sexual assault kit backlog from and from that website you can see that there are at least 100,000 sexual assault kits in the backlog that we know about and likely much more that we do not.
Every one of those is a victim or survivor that deserves justice but may never find it. I have seen firsthand the emotion from that reality. It's not acceptable and we need to help!
There is incremental change that keeps happening every day. Public Crime Laboratories need to be funded by bigger budgets. They do grant work and we should support them. Federal Grants like the Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) need to keep infusing more money to tackle the problem, but, it won't be enough.
We are offering fundamental change the only way to truly fix this problem. That is our vision and that is our dream.
We don't want to try to take money from limited Law Enforcement Agency or Crime Laboratory budget. We believe that it is the public, every day people like you and me, that will fix this.. that will provide the resources we need.
The people of the US cannot donate to a public crime lab or fund a federal grant. But you can donate to a charity/non-profit. Intermountain Forensics allows your donations to go directly toward Forensic DNA testing for these victims and survivors, to finding justice. We will grow as fast and as large as your support lets us. It'll take a pretty massive effort to take the backlog to zero! We can... and will... do it... with your help!
This is a huge undertaking, but we can do this! We can end the backlog and provide justice to those that so earnestly deserve it.
Please show us your support and if you have the ability, donate to our cause!
Thank you,