We are counting on you!
You can reduce the sexual assault kit backlog to zero! You can provide justice to victims whose cases have gone cold! You can help identify the Jane/John/Baby Doe to provide peace and closure to grieving families! https://www.classy.org/give/294523/#!/donation/checkout There are over 250,000 unsolved murders in the United States. How many could be solved if we just had the forensic DNA resources to test them? There are over 100,000 sexual assault kits just waiting to be tested. How many survivors could find peace when these predators are taken off the street?
We need help! Our laboratory can never accomplish the "wildly audacious goals" of providing DNA testing to the hundred's of thousands of victims and survivors of violent crime without your help. We are asking you to join us.. to become a member of our team, our community and support our cause.
We want you to create an army of support to tackle the daunting backlog of cases that needs to be tested! Join us! Every dollar we receive directly reduces the cost of this testing. We humbly ask you to please consider a recurring gift to the laboratory. Become our partner. Let's end the backlog, identify all the missing and ensure no case becomes cold ever again!
Thank you!